Friday, April 23, 2010

A New Chapter

It is unbelievable to me how much has happened in the not-even two years we have been married (two years in June). Moving to Maryland, getting jobs (then switching jobs), an unexpected pregnancy, the birth of Levi, another new job for Jordan, and now moving again but to our first house! Whew! We love the house the we have purchased in Baltimore, Md. It is an old house (built in 1922) with a lot of character. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a lot of other cool spaces. The closing date for our house is May 6th and we will be moving May 7th (just in time to meet the deadline to be out of our apartment by May 8th). Yikes!

As for Levi, he is changing rapidly as well! He now weighs about 14 1bs. Levi loves to "talk" and laugh and smile. One of his favorite activities is to watch his hands and suck on them. He still hasn't found his thumb though. Levi has only rolled over twice, but his neck muscles are getting stronger and he can hold his head up at a 90 degree angle. Unfortunately he hates tummy time, but he is a little trooper. He is so much more aware of things and LOVES to watch T.V. (oops! That might be my fault). I am blessed with a "good" baby. Last night I went out to dinner with a friend and Levi barely made a peep the entire time! He just looked around and took in his surroundings. It seems hard to believe that the baby who was known for being so sleepy can now stay awake for two action-packed hours before taking a nap. I am excited for Levi to have his own room but I think it will be hard for me as well. I will be worried about him all alone in his own room!