Thursday, May 27, 2010

30 Day Shred

One of the most depressing things for me after having a child is that my body has changed and I still can't fit into my old clothes. I feel like I am too young for this to happen! I lost a lot of weight the first 3 weeks after Levi was born, but have only lost 5 more pounds since then. I have decided to start really working on getting the weight off so I bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I heard that it works, and it is convenient because the workouts only last 20 min. I worked out for a few days and then took a week off, but this week I have started for REAL! This is day four of the 30 Day Shred. My goal is to lose 15 pounds, so I will weigh in each week and see if I lost any weight. I am also trying to eat healthier. With moving and everything this past month or so I haven't been eating as healthy as I would like to. I really hope I can stick with this. I wish I had a workout buddy to keep me accountable, but hopefully I can stay with it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Levi at 4 months

Levi went to his 4 month doctor's appointment on Tuesday. He weighed 15 pounds 2 oz. ( 50 something percentile) and was 26 1/2 inches (94th percentile). The doctor was impressed with his growth and his muscle tone! She said not to start him on solid foods until 6 months. I am a little sad because I think it would be fun to feed him cereal and I was planning on starting him around 5 months. I still might start him a little earlier than 6 months depending on how he does.

On a different note, we are starting to get settled into our new house. Elizabeth has been here all week and will move in with Jordan's parents for the summer on Saturday. She has an internship with Dan's company. My parents were also here for a few days this week. With all of their help we got some work done in the house. Us girls did some painting and my dad did some electrical work. We still have a lot of unpacking to do and there seems to be a neverending list of projects that we would like to do but we are getting things done little by little. It has been a busy time for me with trying to work on the 2 grad classes I am taking as well. The hardest thing has been not having our kitchen done. Jordan has started to take out the old kitchen and will finish that this weekend. We have a very busy next few weekends with weddings, so hopefully sometime soon the new kitchen can be started.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Moving Day

The day has finally arrived! Today we are moving into our first house! My overzealous (sp?) husband had us up at 4:30 so I am already tired and the fun has not even begun. Poor Levi, I don't know how he is going to nap amidst all of the last minute packing and load of the truck. We will go ahead of the truck with Kathy though and clean the house and get Levi settled for when Jordan and his dad and friend arrive with the truck to unpack. Our closing went well last night. The guy who we bought the house from is a cute little old man who said to "call him if we ever have any questions." Jordan is out getting us breakfast (cannot wait for the coffee)...and it is only 5:30 am. Oh what a long day this will be. I will post pictures soon of our house with all of our stuff in it and the work that we do on it.