Friday, August 19, 2011

Summer Update

Well, it has been far too long since I have written and my Mom has been getting after me to write, so here it goes.

Since I have written about Levi's development since he was 15 months old, a lot has happened and I know I won't remember it all. Levi is 19 months old now and as busy as ever. His favorite thing to do is climb on EVERYTHING. Nothing is safe and he is constantly falling and tripping. The other day he fell off of his little tykes bike and cut his forehead on cement. Today, he climbed up on the dining room table and shook salt all over the place. The most frustrating thing about him is his extremely curious, mischievous personality, but that is also what I love most about him. He is so funny and so smart. He plays in such creative ways. For example, yesterday evening he wedged his big bouncy ball between the couch and ottoman and preceded to climb on it and bounce up and down while saying, "giddyup." He thought this was hilarious.

Levi is also talking a lot more right now. The last time I counted I got to like 20 words. He is starting to put two words together. He says, "thank you", "more milk," and "no throw." Can you tell I tell him not to throw things a lot? Other words he says: no, more, please, duck, cracker, bonjour, hi/hello, bye/bye bye, book, mouth, nose, ear, eyes, toes, up, down, shoes, turtle, chicken, ball, and he calls his pacifier "bapa." I am sure there are more words but I can't remember them right now.

Levi weighs 26 1bs. 5 oz. (around 50th percentile) and is 33 3/4 inches tall. He is still taller than average. It is hard to believe that he will be 3 ft. tall soon and will turn 2 before we know it! Levi has also been referred to an ENT so that hopefully we can put an end to the constant ear infections with tubes.

Our summer has been spent playing outside and meeting up with friends. We had a wonderful time visiting my parents in Burkina for 2 weeks and then spending a week at the beach with the Hackenbergs. The trip overseas was pretty rough. Levi hardly slept on any of the flights and it was difficult to make him sit still. Plus, we missed a flight on our way over and were stuck in London overnight. Levi loved being in Burkina though, even though he also got sick with a soar throat, congestion and ear infections while we were there. He chased the chickens and loved the food. All of the little African kids loved him and he loved them back. He would go around shaking everyone's hand. The beach was great too. Levi and his cousin Moses played in a big sand pit and in the baby pool. The waves were both fun and frightening for Levi. Levi also loved being with his cousins and kept giving them hugs and kisses.

After all of our busy times and traveling this summer, we are ready for Fall. Pumpkins, cider and cooler weather sound pretty good right now.