Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Big 0-1!

It is about time I update my blog! I can't believe over a year has past already since Levi was born! We are so blessed to have him in our lives. It is hard to remember life before Levi.

Well, we had a pretty quiet party for Levi. We just had family and Elizabeth's roommate Laurie. I made a train cake and we all had fun watching Levi eat his first cake! He was so funny to watch and he loved it (especially the icing). :)

Here is what Levi is up to these days:

He is now 31 inches long (90th percentile!) and 22 1bs 13.5 ounces (60th percentile). I can't believe that I am having such a tall child!

Levi is still taking two naps a day (although he sometimes won't sleep in the morning so we might transition out of the morning nap soon). He is still a wonderful sleeper both during the day and at night and still sleeps from about 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Levi is starting to talk, which is so fun! He says "mama", "Dada", "no", and "ball." He is very vocal and is showing a little bit of a strong will and temper but is still very easygoing and sweet.

He seems pretty close to walking but I think he lacks the courage to take the first step. He is cruising and will push toys and walk behind them. He will sometimes stand without holding onto anything for a few seconds at a time. Levi's favorite games are to be chased/chase someone, play peeka-a-boo or have someone hide and then say "boo" and scare him. He also likes to move (we took him sledding and he loved that and he loves to be pushed around on things or to be twirled around or thrown in the air). He has a cute little sense of humor and those belly laughs, smiles, and claps are so precious and dear to my heart!

That is all I can think of right now. We are definitely sick of the cold and dreary winter and ready for the warm, sunshine-filled days so we can get outside and play! Hopefully Spring will come early!