Monday, March 22, 2010

rainy Monday

I decided to go running today with Levi AND Roscoe. Levi was in the stroller and I had Roscoe on the leash so I held onto the leash and the stroller and Roscoe ran next to us. It was a little difficult, but got better as we went along. We were almost home when it started raining really hard! Thankfully Levi's car seat protected him and he didn't get wet. In fact, he slept through it! I was too tired from the run to keep running to get home, so I would walk fast and then run a little bit and then walk until we finally made it. I was soaked, and so was Roscoe. Roscoe is still in his crate getting dry. The apartment spells like wet dog (which I absolutely hate)!

On a different note, I have been trying to get Levi on a consistent schedule. It is a little difficult, because he is such a SLEEPY boy! We are really working on trying to get him to take all of his naps in his crib. Last week I think he was going through a growth spurt because he just wanted to eat and eat and he stopped sleeping through the night (which he had only done two days in a row anyways). Last night he slept through the night again though (8 1/2 hrs.)! It's funny though because I still don't sleep that well because I wake up and look at the clock and hope he won't wake up. Or I will hear him make a noise and I'm awake for half an hour wondering if he is waking up or not. I can't wait for him to have his own room! For Levi's schedule he usually wakes up around 6 a.m. and I feed him. Then he is awake for awhile and plays, and goes down for a nap around 7:30 or 8. He usually will wake up after it his been three hrs. since I started feeding him (around 9). I have been feeding him every three hours basically from the time he was born. Today he is stretching it to every 3 1/2 hours though, so that will be nice if I can extend his feeding time to feeding him every 3 1/2 hours instead. I can't believe how many changes babies go through!

house hunting

I knew house hunting wouldn't be easy, but I didn 't know it would be this difficult. We have so many needs, but such a low price range. We need a yard for Roscoe, at least 3 bedrooms, something that we can move into pretty much right away even if it needs some work, a safe neighborhood, cheap...etc. Every house we look at is lacking at least one of these things, and we don't know what to give up on our wish list. They are all important to us! I feel like we are moving to the ghetto. One house we saw yesterday had neighbors that had a yard full of old, broken down cars and a barking dog chained to the back porch. I guess I will have to get used to city life in some ways, but at least most of the other houses we looked at seemed to be in more decent neighborhoods. We are looking again on Saturday, but the options out there are pretty bleak. It can be very discouraging at times, but I am trying to picture what the houses COULD look like after some work and a little bit of renovating. I don't want to settle on something, but at the same time we want the tax credit, and paying rent would probably be more than a mortgage at this point. Plus, Roscoe NEEDS a yard! I think I would be more afraid to live in an apartment in Baltimore than to have my own house. There would be shady people living right next door to me instead of a couple of houses down. I am praying that something better comes onto the market this week, or that the one house we like isn't too messed up for us to buy and fix up a little bit. I am terrified of making a mistake on such a huge investment.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


So much for Levi sleeping through the night! The pas two nights he has gotten up. It has been around 4 a.m. so I guess he is still doing well by sleeping 6 hours. It's funny how 10 hours of sleep used to be what I would get every night. Now 6 hours straight seems like a lot of sleep! Some days I mourn the fact that I will probably never sleep 10-12 hours a night again. Oh well, you take the good with the bad. I would trade Levi for anything!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Hey everyone,

I need your help! I want to change my hair (again)! I have a haircut that I am pretty sure I want to get (unless you guys talk me out of it) and I need help with haircolor. I am showing you different haircolor options(the first one is going lighter with highlights like Jennifer Aniston's hair, and the second option is very different. It is kind of an auburn brown I guess. So if you could give me a thumbs up or thumbs down on the cut, and tell me which color to get, that would be very helpful. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Changes, Changes, Changes

I can't believe how fast Levi is growing! I figured I better start a blog so I can keep track of how much he is changing. Today he had his two month doctor's appointment. He weighed in at 11 pounds 12 ounces (50th percentile), and is 24 inches long(90th percentile)! Of course a shortie like me would have such a tall baby! The past couple of weeks have been so fun with Levi. He is becoming more and more alert and is awake for longer periods of time. He smiles and makes wonderful noises all day long. He is rarely fussy and still likes to sleep a lot. On Sunday night Levi slept through the night for the first time! He sleeps from about 10 p.m. to 5 or 5:3o a.m. I can tell that Levi will have brown eyes. They are starting to change from the dark bluish color they were at birth and are turning brown.

As for Jordan and me, we are also experiencing a lot of changes in our lives! Jordan got a new job which is in Baltimore. He is currently in Pittsburgh getting some training, and I miss him so much! We are thanking God that he got this job and just at the right time! Our lease to our apartment is up in May, so we are scurrying to try and buy a house before the tax credit ends April 30th. Aaaaahhh! It is exciting but scary at the same time.

As for me, I am still on maternity leave. It seems like a lifetime ago that I was in a classroom with 23 first graders. My job was such a big part of my life. Now it is no part of my life. Levi is my whole life. I miss teaching and I miss my students, but it is hard to imagine going back to work. I feel such a bond with Levi and don't know if I can leave him. My first day back at work is supposed to be April 30th, so I would only have about two months left of the school year to finish. With moving and trying to find childcare for Levi, it just doesn't seem worth it to go back though. I am trying to find something that I can do at home for work. This is a big decision for me whether to finish off the school year or not, and I am still praying and thinking about it.

It seems like so much is changing at once, and we are going through it with mixed emotions. We are praising God and excited, but also sad for the friends we are moving away from and nervous for all of the big decisions we have to make. When it rains, it pours -right? ;)