Sunday, August 15, 2010

Life As We Know It

So I thought I would write about something other than Levi (kind of)! I guess you could say life has kind of gotten into a normal routine here in our new home in Baltimore. Although we have lived here for about 3 months now, we are still in some ways "living out of boxes." This is extremely frustrating, especially with the kitchen not being completed, but I am praying for patience and a more positive attitude about our house. There are MANY projects that need to be done. The kitchen is well on its way though, and HOPEFULLY will be completed at the beginning of September.

We are trying to adjust to life in the city and a little bit of a different lifestyle. Our summer has been fairly low-key, with the weekends mostly taken up with working on the kitchen.I am not working, but am looking for some kind of part-time job (tutoring or babysitting primarily) to help out with expenses. So I would appreciate prayer for that. We have had to become somewhat of tightwads or cheapskates because we have had to. Soon the cable TV will be gone...sigh. God has provided so far, it is just so very difficult to fly by the seat of our pants so to speak financially. In addition to playing with, feeding, taking care of Levi, doing housework, etc. I have been taking graduate classes for my Master's Degree which I actually have been working on for over a year. I will finish my degree in December. Woo Hoo! Bring on more student loans..haha. Jordan is working hard and likely his job. He has worked there for almost 6 months now. He has had to travel to Pittsburgh where his company is based several times and will be going there again for a few days at the end of the month.

And of course..I have to say something about Levi! He is growing up so fast! Currently he is sitting up by himself unsupported. He eats some finger foods now and continues to love whatever foods I give to him. Levi is happy most of the time but definitely tells us what he wants (he has a great set of lungs). Although Levi is crawling yet, he will move backwards and rolls all over the place.

Here is a typical day for us:
7 am (sometimes earlier): Levi wakes up, gets a diaper change and a bottle. He then plays for a little bit (usually with Jordan) while I get his breakfast and some coffee for myself.

7:30ish: Levi eats his breakfast. This usually consists of oatmeal with some kind of fruit. He likes peaches the best so far. Jordan leaves for work around this time. After breakfast, I put Levi in the stroller and we take a walk.Levi loves being outside and is usually silent the whole walk just looking around at everything.

9:00: When we get back from our walk, Levi goes down for his morning nap, which usually lasts about an hour and a half.

10:30ish: Levi wakes up from his nap. We play for a little bit.

11:00-12:00 Levi gets a bottle, play for a few minutes, then have lunch.

Sometimes after lunch he gets to watch a baby Einstein video before taking his nap.

1:00 afternoon nap (the length of this nap is slight inconsistent lasting for anywhere between 2 and 3 hrs).

When he wakes up, he gets a bottle and sometimes a snack like Cheerios. He has tummy time to practice crawling and plays with his toys.

Depending on the day, he sometimes needs about a 30 min. nap around 4:30 to get him through until bedtime. I prep things for dinner either during this last nap if he takes it or he plays alone in a safe place while I do it.

5:00 Levi gets dinner. After dinner he plays for a little bit (usually with Jordan when he gets home from work around 5:30).

6:00 or 6:15 Bathtime ! This is usually every other day. After his bath we put lotion on him, put his PJs on, then give him a bottle. After his bottle we read him stories, sing to him, then put him to bed and pray for him. Jordan either helps with his bath or helps with dinner.

7:00 Bedtime! Horray for adult alone time!

So, that is what our lives are like these days.

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