Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Levi at 9 months

Well, Levi's monthly update is a couple of weeks late since his doctor's appointment was a couple of weeks late. Levi is now 29 1/2 inches long and 21 pounds! He had to get a Hepatitis B shot today but everything else with the appointment went great. Thankfully the ear infections he had when we went to Georgia are gone!

Levi is crawling all over the place at a fast speed and starting to try to pull himself up, although he doesn't get further than his knees. He gets into EVERYTHING and doesn't care at all about his toys, which makes entertaining him kind of difficult. I try to take him outside for a walk almost every day for something to do. Sometimes we stop at this little park by our house and I put him in the swing. He loves it! He just laughs and laughs.Levi is such an agreeable, lovable, and happy baby (although I know I am biased). :) His facial expressions are hilarious and he has a variety of them. Levi has mastered waving at people and he has also started to imitate noises we make sometimes. He has this book with sheep and when I say "baaaa" he will say it back! As far as teeth go, Levi only has his bottom 2 teeth, but I think the top 2 are on their way.

He still takes 2 naps a day (about 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. in the morning and btwn. 2-3 hrs. in the afternnoon). Lately his naps have been less predictable with him being sick and us traveling so much during the month of October.He still sleeps about 12 hrs. a night too! Some nights he wakes up early in the morning and we have to get him back to sleep,but the past few nights he hasn't done that so hopefully he will continue to sleep until morning without waking up. He also has bad dreams sometimes where he will cry during his sleep and we will go comfort him and he will stay asleep the whole time. It is so weird and so sad!

We love our little boy so much and can't believe how fast he is growing up! He makes us laugh and smile all day.

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