Thursday, December 23, 2010

Adventures with Levi

Wow, it has been awhile since I have written. It just goes to show how time flies by so quickly! I feel like an old person saying this, but each year time goes by faster and faster. I remember as a kid thinking that time was just creeping by.

Anyways, Levi is now 11 (almost 11 1/2) months. It is unbelievable to me that in less than a month I will have a toddler. He already seems like more of a toddler than a baby. Sadly, my baby does not like to be held and cuddled any longer. He is displaying more of a temper and will kick and fuss when you change his diaper or take something away from him that he wants. He is still a very happy, sweet child though. Levi's latest skill (which he acquired about 2 weeks ago) is pulling himself up. I thought he would never learn this and foolishly worried about it and was frustrated at him for not being "advanced." Reflecting upon my attitude, I feel horrible, because I know that he will learn things in his own time and I need to love him for who he is. He is now getting into all kinds of things because of this newly acquired skill. Today, for example, he pulled down our sugar canister which caused some of the contents to spill and he sat in the pile of sugar happily eating it. Levi and Roscoe now have more and more fun together as well. A few days ago I found them sitting at opposite ends of the kitchen each chewing on a banana peel that they had managed to retrieve from the garbage can. Life has gotten busier, but it is good. I guess I finished my Master's Degree just in time,as I have less time to work on homework now that Levi is so mobile and inquisitive. Another new development is that Levi's top two teeth finally came through. He now has a total of 4 teeth. I am guessing him to be about 23 pounds, but we will see at his one year appointment in a month.

As for me and Jordan, we are busy getting ready for Elizabeth and Daniel and Jodi to come for Christmas.We are excited that we have our own home and can have people over! Our kitchen is finished and we have been working on other small projects as well. We will also be having some friends come for New Year's which is also exciting, followed by Levi's first birthday party on the 15th of January. It is a busy, but exciting time! Jordan's job is going pretty well and I now have 3 kids that I tutor, which I enjoy and is also going well. I have a four year old, a third grader, and a fifth grader so it is nice to have a variety and I am able to keep my teaching skills sharp.

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