Friday, May 21, 2010

Levi at 4 months

Levi went to his 4 month doctor's appointment on Tuesday. He weighed 15 pounds 2 oz. ( 50 something percentile) and was 26 1/2 inches (94th percentile). The doctor was impressed with his growth and his muscle tone! She said not to start him on solid foods until 6 months. I am a little sad because I think it would be fun to feed him cereal and I was planning on starting him around 5 months. I still might start him a little earlier than 6 months depending on how he does.

On a different note, we are starting to get settled into our new house. Elizabeth has been here all week and will move in with Jordan's parents for the summer on Saturday. She has an internship with Dan's company. My parents were also here for a few days this week. With all of their help we got some work done in the house. Us girls did some painting and my dad did some electrical work. We still have a lot of unpacking to do and there seems to be a neverending list of projects that we would like to do but we are getting things done little by little. It has been a busy time for me with trying to work on the 2 grad classes I am taking as well. The hardest thing has been not having our kitchen done. Jordan has started to take out the old kitchen and will finish that this weekend. We have a very busy next few weekends with weddings, so hopefully sometime soon the new kitchen can be started.


  1. I think we started most of our kids at 5 months.

  2. When you say "most of our kids" it sounds like you have a TON of kids! Yeah, I might start him then. He is so hungry all of the time and not sleeping well and it is frustrating. I'm not sure that solid foods would help him with that though.

  3. Hey Sarah, This is papa trying out your blog and comments.Dana tried and gave it up but I have reset her Google password and will try to get this into the syatem

  4. You mom told me you have a blog so I am posting a comment. Tried it once and failed so Papa helped me out! Can't wait to see you and Levi and also your folks this week. I raised my babies in a different era, but when their milk failed to satisfy them, I started giving them thin cereal and it helped a lot. Love, Dana
