Saturday, June 26, 2010

nursing strike going on 7 days

I am sitting here with a pump attached to my breast wondering if I will ever be out of this prison. Every since Levi was born he has had trouble nursing. First, with latching on (he lost a pound in his first week of birth and I had a lactation consultant come help). Once that resolved itself the fussiness began. Every few weeks he will go through a week or two of fussiness when nursing and I can't figure out what the problem is. Every time I have gone to the doctor to rule out any medical causes, and there have been none. So now it is the end of day 6 of this particulary period of "strike" I guess you can call it. I haven't gone to the doctor because I assume that it is just as before. The only thing I can think of is that he nees more milk and isn't getting enough because he will try to eat and within a minute the crying and fussing begins. I have done what they tell you not to do and have given him a bottle with either pumped milk or formula or both, because I just can't stand for my baby to be hungry and I can't take any more of being home alone all day long dealing with it. I am too tired. The question is, how long is long enough before I give up? Is it really worth it to keep nursing him if we are both unhappy? Can I deal with the guilt and the(perhaps unwarranted) shame that I know I will feel if I give it up? Can I even afford to buy that ridiculously expensive formula? For now, I guess I will just keep trying to feed him any way that I can. I know this is personal stuff but I just had to get it down and wanted record of it for the future. I'm off to bed where I will finally get relief from the feelings of anxiety, worthlessness, inadequacy, sadness, and guilt.


  1. Is it just breast feeding he doesn't like? or is he fussy with breast milk in a bottle? I am not the best for advice but formula can't be worth the money. I'm sorry Sarah. How frustrating.

  2. Sarah, just read your post this morning - wish I lived closer by to see you and to take care of Levi so you could go out once in a while! He is so adorable :) I remember too having so much trouble with nursing. I kept at it but it was never easy for me. When Angele was 7 months old she bit me and she had teeth. I "gently" whacked her mouth as if to say, never do that to me. She got so hurt that she would never nurse again - I tried middle of the night feedings, everything and she would never nurse again after that. The stories go on... just be encouraged that it is not something you are or aren't doing right - every baby is different. You are a great mom :) Love you!!
