Thursday, June 3, 2010

first solid food and baby bootcamp

On Monday, May 31st Levi tried his first solid food (rice cereal)! He actually seemed to like it and did pretty well swallowing it although quite a bit ended up on his body. He kept sucking his fingers and getting the cereal all over his hands! He did even better the second day I fed him the cereal, so I am going to keep on with it at dinnertime and then add breakfast in a little bit and later lunch. I guess I will start giving him fruit and veggies somtime soon, but since he is so young the cereal is good for now. I decided to give him rice cereal because he has been so hungry lately and it seemed like I didn't have enough to give him. He also seemed interested in our food. I also was just too anxious to wait! It's hard to believe how fast he has come since the day of his birth.

We have also started to work on having Levi sleep through the night. He had been doing well (sleeping at least 8 hrs. at night) but seemed to regress and started waking up after like 6 or 7 hours. I have decided to do a little bit of baby bootcamp and last night I decided that I would not go feed him until 5:30 a.m. (he goes to bed at 8). I didn't even turn on the monitor last night, and I didn't hear him until a little after 5. I waited until 5:30 and then got him up and fed him! I think that was the best night's sleep I have had since he was born because it was uninterrupted sleep. I hope that he doesn't cry too much the next few nights because it will be so hard for me to stick to my guns if he does. After a couple of weeks I will stretch the time to 5:45 and so on until hopefully a decent time like 7 in a couple of months. I know it sounds cruel sometimes to let a baby cry but I know he is completely healthy and capable of sleeping that long. He just likes to use me as a pacifier to get back to sleep when he wakes up at night! I am excited for a complete night's sleep from here on out!


  1. You are doing such a great job with him, Sarah! Can't wait to see you!

  2. Sarah, just make sure you leave the monitor on once you both have ACs in your rooms. And don't let him cry too much, you hear? He's such a cutie!

  3. Sarah, I came over to your blog to comment on your To Have and To Hold post because it was still on my reader, but it isn't there anymore--what an awesome post! It brought tears to my eyes! Such a sweet, sweet letter to Levi. I am sitting here with your mom and A. Elin and read it aloud to A. Elin because she didn't have her glasses. So sweet! Can't wait to see you and to meet sweet, little Levi!
